Financial freedom is a condition which your passive income is bigger than your expenses.
What is passive income?
Passive income is an income that you get without work.
How to get passive income?
80% of the world's people follow this paradigm. They work only to get income. They plan their future with that income. What will happen if for any reason, they cannot work anymore?
failing health
growing older
downsizing, losing ones job
company bankruptcy, or
any other reason, nobody know.
So, what will happen?
Yes, they loose their income.
What about their dreams?
For sure they can't make their dreams come true.
20% of the world's people follow this paradigm. They work not only to get income, but to build their assets as well. So, if for any reason they cannot work anymore, they will still get income. Because their assets continue to work for them.
This is what is called PASSIVE INCOME.
From the prospective of the money and time, people can be divided into 4 categories.
1. People who don't have money and don't have time
They are those who must work from Monday to Friday, 8-12 hours a day, then
get up early in the morning and come home late at night.
By the end of the month they feel the money they earn is not enough.
2. People who have time, but don't have money
They could sleep all day long.
If you ask them to join you to play soccer during the work week, they will join you,
but they don't have money.
3. People who have money, but don't have time
They are those who must work everyday from morning until late at night.
They have a lot of money, but they cannot enjoy the money that they have because they cannot leave their job to run by it self.
4. People who have money and have time
They work because they want to work not because they must work.
They could go wherever they want,
They could do anything at anytime and still receive income.
Which category would you like to be in? You can choose!
If you want to be in 4th category, there is one very effective way.
Build Assets!
What else will you get?
There are some rewards waiting for you.